+38 (067) 329-18-52



Electric Power Supply

Wind turbines are used to generate electricity from the kinetic power of the wind. Historical they were more frequently used as a mechanical device to turn machinery.  Wind turbines can be used to generate large amounts of electricity in wind farms both onshore and offshore.

Wind power captures the natural wind in our atmosphere and converts it into mechanical energy then electricity. People started using wind power centuries ago with windmills, which pumped water, ground grain, and did other work. Today's wind turbine is a highly evolved version of a windmill. Modern wind turbines harness wind's kinetic energy and convert it into electricity. Most wind turbines have three blades and sit atop a steel tubular tower, and they range in size from 17-m-tall turbines that can power a single home to utility-scale turbines that are over 80 tall and power hundreds of homes.

Since each individual object to clarify the equipment you need and cost, call (044) 408 00 77 408 00 44. 

Ease of use, convenience and comfort. In addition, operation of the system will not require from you additional knowledge and skills to work with her because she is a fully autonomous system. You will be completely nonvolatile and your home will always be light.


Since each individual object to clarify the equipment you need and cost, call (044) 408 00 77 408 00 44. 

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